Thursday, May 24, 2007

Good Day

For two reasons:

1. Dave texted me last night, "Leaving Yankee Game. Thinking of You." Not a big deal to most people but it's poignant because I had directly asked him to do this sometimes a couple weeks ago and he actually listened and is trying. It means a lot to me.

2. I just bought US OPEN tickets!!!!!!!!! I started playing tennis when I was in 2nd grade or something like that...basically have been playing my whole life and it's been my DREAM to attend all of the grand slam tournaments. The US OPEN!!! So excited!!! I got tickets for the Men's Semifinal and the Women's Final. All in one day. Will be a LOOOOONG day but will be so much fun!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Great Weekend

Friday night I went out with Jeannie. We've been trying to go out and get to know each other for months now. We went to a couple places and had a few drinks and good conversation. I want her to be my new friend :) She's great (Thanks, Jess if you're reading this).

Saturday I slept ridiculously late then went to see "Waitress" which I thought was cute. Then on my street there was a great flea market. I love my neighborhood! There was some really good jewelry. I was good and only bought $10 in bracelets.

Dave came over later and we went to Snack for dinner and had a great meal. He looked so cute in this thin, yellow sweater. When he smiles I just melt because he has those perfect crow's feet. Love it.

So good conversation at dinner and then we went to our tapas/wine bar, Ostia, for some more wine. I drank one extra glass than I should have. He's a bad influence on me. Then we came back to my place and had good sex. He didn't have to work on the deck during the day so he had some energy :)

Also, Dave mentioned that the Monday after Mother's Day his dad came into work and said, "So, what does Stacey do for a living?" Dave said, "What? You didn't ask her?" His dad said, "No, I didn't want to be nosy." So then Dave's mom came into the city on Wednesday and did the same thing. Asked Dave, "So where's Stacey from?" Dave said, "Why don't you ask her the next time you see her." His mom said, "Well, I didn't want to be nosy." I feel SO MUCH BETTER about his parents!!! They're on the one extreme end of almost being rude in their effort to not be "nosy" whereas MY mom is on the other end of the spectrum and is almost rude by how many questions she DOES ask. Anyway...glad they're actually interested in who I am.

This morning Dave and I went to Bubby's. Love that place. Although Dave said, "Let's go to Googie's." I said, "Huh. Never heard of it." Then we walk to Tribeca and I see Bubby's and I say, "I love that place" and he got the cute, confused look on his face that he gets when he's...well...confused and said, "Oh! That's where we're going." I love that he has airhead moments. Makes me feel okay about mine.

After breakfast we walked around SoHo and then he dropped me off because he had to go to work. It was a perfect date.

I took a nap and then went to Central Park to take some pictures. It's tough to find a creative way to take pictures of Bethesda Fountain but I think I did it. Then I sat in the grass and called my mom and spoke with her for awhile. Then I bought a hot dog and by the time I got to the next cart I was already done eating it so I bought an Oreo ice cream popsicle. Yummmmmyyyy....

I decided to walk all the way home to walk off the food and it started raining right at the Empire State Building. So I waiting it out underneath the awning and then made it home. I love walking home down 5th Avenue from the park. It's such a fun walk.

I love this city!!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Met the parents

I met Dave's parents this past weekend. He had invited me during the week but wasn't sure if he was going to be able to go because of work. Then mid-day Saturday he said he was definitely going up and "I was welcome to come."

I HATE that phrase! Do you want me to come or not? I just ignored it and said I'd like to come. So I had about 30 minutes to get myself ready and packed because we were going to his friend Mike's in Connecticut for his 35th birthday BBQ and I was going to spend the night at Dave's and then we were driving up to his parents house the next day.

Saturday night was fun. I had never been to CT. So now I have. Dave and I got too drunk and spent the night there. No sex of course. I need to have a talk with him about that at some point. I know he needs the release from his stressful job/life but every once in awhile I need him to scale down a couple drinks so we can actually BE together.

An ex-girlfriend of his was there (Mike didn't give him a head's up so he didn't know she was going to be there) and she was cuter, skinnier and tanner than me. I didn't know that she and Dave used to date and I remember meeting her and thinking, "Ugh, she's cuter, skinnier and tanner than me." I always size myself up to every other girl whenever I go out. So of course Dave used to date her, but whatever. He said she's a pill popper so that made me feel better :) And they weren't serious or anything. And it then made sense why she was kind of cold to me when I first met her. Of course 5 glasses of sangria took care of that and she finally talked to me at the end of the night.

Dave woke me up at 7am and said, "Let's go! We can drive up to my parents and have breakfast." I was like, "Ummmm, I thought we were having dinner there?" I was hungover and tired but pushed through.

On the way up there Dave was chatting and not paying attention and passed the exit he needed. Instead of doing what most people do which is TURN AROUND...he decided to keep going because "there's gotta be a cut across at some point."

Weeeellllll, there's not. At one point he saw the Catskills off to the left and said, "That's not good" because that's where we were supposed to be. We ended up in friggin' Albany. At one point we saw a sign for Montreal. I said, "Babe, I didn't bring my passport." So a 2 1/2 hour drive became a 4 hour drive. We were cracking up.

So we had lunch at this cute place that's next to a small creek. Then we FINALLY arrive at his parent's house. We left at 9:30am and got there at about 2:30pm.

They live in a dreeeeam house in the Catskills. 2 ponds in the front with geese. Huge log cabin style house. Grandma lives in the guest house. They have the biggest stone fireplace I've ever seen. Amazing.

His dad greeted us and he's so sweet! Then we walk into the house and it's reeeeeally quiet. His brother is sleeping on the couch in the lap of some girl that Dave's never met before. So that was strange. We were like, "Who's she?" His mom greeted me and then went back to her chair to watch that stupid Ben Stiller museum movie.

And that was it. Dave's dad talked with me a little bit but not in the "let me get to know this girl that Dave brought to the house" way but rather in a small talk way. I asked him about the house aaaaand that was about it.

After awhile Dave and I went to meet his grandma and give her the flowers he bought for her. Then we walked around the pond and went back in the house.

No one was watching TV and Real Time with Bill Maher came on and Arianna was a panelist. So I sat down and Dave's mom came in the room and said, "I HATE that woman!" I replied sarcastically, "That's my boss." She said, "You're kidding!" and laughed and walked off.

I was expecting SOME sort of follow up question like, "Oh, you work for her? What do you do?" But NO. NOTHING. I thought that was so strange.

We had a really nice meal at a restaurant called The Phoenix. Conversation was more of the same. We had a 10-minute discussion about what spice was in the rolls. No one could figure it out.

"Is it nutmeg?"
"It could be tumeric."
"No, it's not tumeric."
"That's cheating."
"I think it's nutmeg."
"Let's ask the waiter."

The whole experience was very informative. I'm so used to my mom who's been compared to a CIA investigator when she meets people. Especially if it's someone her kids bring over for a special dinner. Dave said that it's not because they're not interested but it's because they know that if they start grilling me Dave will throw his hands up and say, "Hey...knock it off!" But still.....not ONE question?

It helped me understand Dave a lot more which will help us in our communications. I hope. Not that it won't still be frustrating when he doesn't respond to something I say but I feel much more comfortable around him now which is huge. We had 6 hours in the car together.

I finally got to see his place this weekend too. It's a tiny house but it's right on the water. SO relaxing. It has a lot of potential. He just has to find the time to carry out his plans for it.

Still haven't had sex with him. It's been 2 weeks & 5 days. Not that I'm counting or anything....

We're making plans for Memorial Day weekend. If the weather holds up we're going to Block Island and staying at an inn and hanging out at Aaron and Beth's house there. That'll be fun! If the weather sucks then we'll just cook out at Dave's place and maybe head to CT again to BBQ with Tim and Dina. Either way I'm looking forward to it. I'll be out of town the 2 weekends after that so it'll be good to have an entire weekend with him.

We're hanging out tomorrow night. Pray for me that I get laid. Probably won't be on the top of your higher power's "to do" list but I gotta at least get in the cue.

Friday, May 11, 2007

This Weekend

I feel good about my new attitude regarding Dave. I want to take a step back and not take "us" so seriously.

Well, then last night he invited me to his parents' place in upstate NY on Sunday for Mother's Day to meet them.

We might not go - all depends on his work schedule - but it's SO HARD for me to keep a casual mindset with him when I'm meeting the parents. I take that seriously. And I assume he doesn't drive every girl he dates 2 1/2 hours up there to meet them. So that action says to me that he sees potential in "us" so all of the bullshit re: him is worth it.

I worked from home today but didn't have much to do. Which meant I ate too much food. Ugh. Am going for margaritas with some people from work tonight. Could be trouble...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Talk

Dave and I talked Monday night and I don't really feel any better or any worse. Just eh....

I still have absolutely no idea how he feels about me but after reflecting back I didn't really ask him so that's only fair.

He said that he's in no rush to settle down but he's open to it down the road. That's fine with me. But his schedule is never going to change so I only get him about 2 times a week at the most and at least one - if not both times - he's too tired for sex.

The other issue is that I might be a little too sensitive for his harsher communication style. He's got that tough-northern-I-was-in-the-Navy type style and I need a little more coddling than that gives. He never talks about how he feels. Hardly ever compliments me. I just need a little more in that area.

Monday night I said that it would mean the world to me if he could tack an "I miss you" at the end of a text message or an email sometimes and he just stared at me with a grin on his face. I was like, "Ummmmmm, do you think I'm an idiot for asking that or are you thinking this is cute?" So I said, "Okay...moving on."


My attitude right now is to just go with it for awhile longer. Have fun this spring/summer with him and reevaluate in a couple of months. If he's not excited about me by then then I think that's a sign I need to move on.

So I guess I do feel better now that I have a plan. And I'm also keeping my options open. If I meet a great guy out I might go for an innocent coffee. Can't close the door on anything right now.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekend update 5/7

My girls were in town! Got to see R&C Friday night at Alta for a group birthday dinner for R. Had a good time seeing them and getting to know some of their NY friends. Dave busted his ass to get there which meant a lot. And dragged his brother upstairs to meet me which also made me feel good.

Saturday I did brunch and shopping in the West Village with R&C. PERFECT NY Spring Day! Then I went running along the West Side Hwy which felt great. I don't run that much anymore because of my knees but I have to bust out every once in awhile. Elliptigirlies gets so boring.

Saturday night Dave and I were supposed to "talk" and then meet up with R&C. I put myself through fucking HELL because he never freakin' called me back. I met up with R&C and two other girls and had a couple drinks. I so needed that "laugh with the girls" time but I was still preoccupied with why Dave hadn't called me. He never does that.

Sunday around noon he finally calls and says, "Hey...I hung out with my mom and brother and sister last night. How are you?" I was like, "Huh?" Apparently there was a huge miscommunication and he thought we were supposed to have brunch on Sunday because I was hanging out with my friends Saturday night. I told him exactly what I had said Saturday morning and he realized that he fucked up.

So it was all a misunderstanding but my GOD that boy put me through hell that night. I was reeling and overanalyzing. I swear. So then we were supposed to hang out Sunday night and he ended up getting too tired from deck-building so now we're hanging out tonight (Monday).

I can't wait until that damn deck is finished. It's seriously cutting into my sex life.

I had a great conversation with both my sister and dad last night re: relationship stuff. I feel much better about letting Dave know how I feel about a couple of things now. That, along with R&C's support Saturday night, have me rearing to go!

Beta launch for the site is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED! I think this damn thing is actually going to happen!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Up and Down

I blew up at Dave last night. I don't get enough sex. It's like we've been married 15 years and I'm the man wanting to have more sex. I've been needing to talk with him about where we stand and there never seems to be a good time to bring it up. So my frustration builds up and comes out at the wrong time. I gotta work on that.

I think we'll be fine I just need to verbally hear him say that he sees potential in us and is either falling for me or could see that happening so I'm not putting myself through the bullshit of his complicated life for nothing.

He got to meet two of my girlfriends from LA last night and I was on SUCH a high after that. He even commented on it. But the night went longer than we anticipated and we didn't get home until 12:30am. He had been up since 4:30am. This was the 3rd date in a row where we weren't going to be together. This is so hard for me. Maybe I'm being a brat but I'm falling for this guy and want to be with him. And it's almost worse when he's in bed with me but asleep. So close, yet......

What I love is after I was done yelling at him last night he shushed me and I said, "Don't shush me. It pisses me off" and then he attacked me and we had sex. And it was quick but hot. It was his way of saying, "This is frustrating for me too." I needed to "hear" that one way or another.

How are we supposed to build a relationship together if he's too fuckin' tired all the time? He busts his ass to see me twice a week so I know his heart's into it.

I guess I'll just have to decide if I can deal with the whole package that is "Dave".

And right now I want to.