Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekend update 5/7

My girls were in town! Got to see R&C Friday night at Alta for a group birthday dinner for R. Had a good time seeing them and getting to know some of their NY friends. Dave busted his ass to get there which meant a lot. And dragged his brother upstairs to meet me which also made me feel good.

Saturday I did brunch and shopping in the West Village with R&C. PERFECT NY Spring Day! Then I went running along the West Side Hwy which felt great. I don't run that much anymore because of my knees but I have to bust out every once in awhile. Elliptigirlies gets so boring.

Saturday night Dave and I were supposed to "talk" and then meet up with R&C. I put myself through fucking HELL because he never freakin' called me back. I met up with R&C and two other girls and had a couple drinks. I so needed that "laugh with the girls" time but I was still preoccupied with why Dave hadn't called me. He never does that.

Sunday around noon he finally calls and says, "Hey...I hung out with my mom and brother and sister last night. How are you?" I was like, "Huh?" Apparently there was a huge miscommunication and he thought we were supposed to have brunch on Sunday because I was hanging out with my friends Saturday night. I told him exactly what I had said Saturday morning and he realized that he fucked up.

So it was all a misunderstanding but my GOD that boy put me through hell that night. I was reeling and overanalyzing. I swear. So then we were supposed to hang out Sunday night and he ended up getting too tired from deck-building so now we're hanging out tonight (Monday).

I can't wait until that damn deck is finished. It's seriously cutting into my sex life.

I had a great conversation with both my sister and dad last night re: relationship stuff. I feel much better about letting Dave know how I feel about a couple of things now. That, along with R&C's support Saturday night, have me rearing to go!

Beta launch for the site is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITED! I think this damn thing is actually going to happen!!!!!!!!

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