Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Horse Races

Went to the horse races tonight with my Aunt Cindi and had a blast. I'm still up at 1am so that's saying a LOT as I haven't had more than one alcoholic drink since I've been here. We bet money on the 1st 2 races and we both won both times and thought we were doing well because we both won about $50 each race. Then we remembered that that was only about $6 in US dollars. Then we stepped it up the next race and I lost of course but she won. Overall we ended up ahead.

There were SO MANY cute Aussie/Brit boys there. I will be at the races all the time! It's so easy to meet boys there. Just show up looking cute and act like you don't know how to bet (which isn't hard there because it - like everything else - is different here than in the U.S.). Below is a picture of the race start line with the HK skyscrapers in the background. Then a picture of us after 3 beers and some winnings.

I'm meeting them at the Mandarin Oriental hotel tomorrow morning for massages and facials. Poor me.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Too funny

I was in this store yesterday buying some clothes and this small Asian girl kept looking at me and finally said, "I love your dress. Where did you get it? In America?"

I was wearing this cheap but totally adorable dress I got at Forever 21. So I said, "Yeah, I don't know if you have the store here but it's called Forever 21."

She lit up and said, "I know that store! I saw it online! I saw your dress online and I loved it but didn't know what the fabric was like so I didn't buy it. They had red and bluuuue and greeeeen! It's so cute! I love it!"

She went on and was so funny. I love that she knows about Forever 21 even though they don't have that store here.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween in HK = Bust

Following is my Blackberry camera's account of my Halloween in HK

Here's me wondering why I'm pushing myself to go out by myself, as I hadn't heard from my friend Jan about his party.

I started walking around and didn't see many people out at the bars. Of course, it was only 9:30pm but still...I thought there'd be more people. I got closer to Lan Qwai Fong and heard the ruckus. I walked down some stairs, peeked over the edge and AHA! THERE THEY ARE!

I decided to head down into the pack of wolves. That is...drunk investment bankers and Chinese people with cameras.

This kid was hysterical. Was walking around like a zombie and EVERYONE wanted their picture with him.

This was one other costume. You can't see it in this picture but people were surrounding him and taking pictures of him like he was Elvis and this was the first time anyone's seen him alive.

I kept walking and started hitting the end of the crowd so I turned around and started to head back. I was seriously disappointed in the ratio of drunk idiots to cool costumes. Must've been 250:1. Besides these two costumes I saw one group of western guys that were dressed up as a greek god, bloody murderer, etc. and they had funnels. So people were lining up to do the funnel and they were superstars.

But that was it. Besides me and about 1,000 girls wearing devil horns.

So I head back:

And am in bed by 11pm. RIGHT as I put my moisterizer on my friend Jan texted me. Wanted to know where I was in Lan Qwai Fong. I was like, "Ohhhh, it's a bar called 'My Bed'". Oh well, at least he tried. That would be the NORMAL time to text someone about going out on a Saturday night but instead. This is me. Moisterizer and all...

Sorry there weren't more interesting pictures but if you'll kindly note the subject of this blog entry you'll be reminded that I gave you fair warning. I'm glad I ventured out and walked a loop but in the end: Halloween in HK = Bust.


I decided to take a day off from errand running and go see the area of town called Kowloon because I have never been. It's sort of like Brooklyn was 10 years ago in it's relation to NY. Just across the water. Not as many people live there as it's not on cool HK Island. But it's emerging.

I'm in desperate need of either (1) nature or (2) culture. HK is nothing but skyscapers and Prada stores. My area of town is cute and there are tons of restaurants and stuff but it's still all city-ish.

So I go to Kowloon and it's more of the same shit. There was a big park so that was nice but still a lot more concrete then I thought there'd be. I guess you have to really go out further to find the cool hiking, temples, small villages, etc.

Below are some pictures I took in Kowloon. Again, nothing that great artistically but something to look at regardless.

I just got back from dinner with my cousin's family and two of my aunts that are in town. Dinner was at 6pm since they were jetlagged and we had kids so now it's 9pm and I'm about to fall asleep but want to force myself to go out for Halloween.

I heard it's crazy here. The big area where expats hang out, Lan Qwai Fong, is supposed to be so crowded that they have crowd control police forcing pedestrians to go only one way down the street. Sounds like a nightmare but something I should see since I'm here. I don't have a costume. Just bought a headband with red devil horns so I'd have something. I'm waiting for this guy, Jan, to call me. Met him when I first got out here and we've been texting ever since but haven't gotten together. He said he's going to a party and I'm desperately trying to stay awake to see if he's going to go at a decent hour.

I'm such a grandma now. I get up at like 6:45am and want to go to bed at 9pm. I must say though...getting up early in the morning has helped a lot with my stress level. I can get so much accomplished! Who knew :)

Here are the Kowloon pictures:

Could there BE anymore shopping in this freakin' city? I swear...

And then behind me...more shops. But at least this cool statue too.

Get ready for way too many pictures of birds. I found Kowloon park and got a little too excited at the nature.

I love the bill of this duck. (bear with me...)

Flamingos! And not the plastic kind that you stick in your front yard after eating too much seafood at Flamingo Joe's

One more flamingo

More huge skyscrapers after I emerge from the park.

I saw a sign for a pier so I thought it would be cool to walk to the water. Then I see this building. I don't know what it is but it's HUGE!

So I walk to the pier expecting it to be crowded as hell like everything else here but this is what I see. Two people.

Maybe this has something to do with it? Look at that view....ahhhhhh. So majestic! The beautiful colors, that sea air. Just take a deep breath of th-- [cough, cough, COUGH, COUGH, COUGH, sniff, achoo! sniff, sigh]

I live on that hill behind the skyscrapers. Funny, because when I'm over there I don't see the pollution so I think, "Pollution? What pollution? I don't see any pollu----cough, COUGH, achoo! Why are my allergies so bad here?"

Oooh! More nature!

Aaaand, back in the city again

At least this block was nice because it's next to the park. Crap on one side and trees on another.

That's it for now. Jan still hasn't texted me and it's 9:21pm. [yaaawwwwwwn] I think I'm just going to walk one loop around Lan Qwai Fong to see costumes and then come home. Then at least I can say I went out for Halloween in Hong Kong. You know, because that matters...always adding to the resume of life.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Chinese Cable

Has anyone out there ever tried to set up their cable with a Chinese woman?


Good. Don't.

Oh My GOD - it's painful. Especially because I've never had to set up broadband cable/internet/fax/phone lines before. I've always moved into people's apartments and it's already been set up. So I'm clueless.

Then I get on the phone with this woman in Hong Kong and they of course do things differently here. And her English was shitty. So I'm trying to figure out what the hell she's talking about. There are installation fees, contracts, non-commitment contracts, 8MB of some thing, free HBO (I understood THAT), something called Netvigator, something called PCCW Wi-Fi, etc.

I kept trying to tell her I wanted cable TV and she kept saying, "No...we NOW Cable." I was like, "What the FUCK are you talking about?" I finally ascertained that their company is called NOW TV and you have to call it "NOW TV" because their competitor is iCable. So if you say you want cable they think you want the other company's services.

Fuckin' A! I've been stressed with the move of course and this was the straw that broke the back. I literally started crying on the phone with the Chinese cable lady. Not blubbering so that she knew but a few tears came down because I thought, "I can't do this! I'm never going to get cable or internet or a fax line because I can't UNDERSTAND THESE PEOPLE!"

Finally my cousin said I could enlist the help of the IT guy in Tokyo. He's from India. So he gets on the phone with her and he said, "You weren't kidding. I could barely understand her." That made me feel better.

My apartment is coming together slowly but surely. I'm having a hard time finding a store that sells hair dryers. I run into random road blocks like that. Finally found a place today that sells Toaster Ovens. So now I can toast my bagels and maybe actually cook something.

Oh - here's another gem. In my kitchen I have a 2-top electric stove. There are only 3 buttons for each burner. Should be easy enough to figure out. I'm good with electronic stuff.

Oh no.

I hit every combination possible on that damn thing and it would start to heat and then stop. I just wanted my fucking scrambled eggs. It was 5am as my body clock was still off and I just wanted my EGGS!

So my super for the apt., Eddie, comes over to fix some stuff in the apartment. [sidebar: he was supposed to have the apt. cleaned and have everything fixed by the time I arrived but when I got here - no such luck. The toilet seat had urine all over it, the toilet paper roll was broken, there was a nasty used towel in the bathroom, a ladder in my shower, a huge dead cockroach in my closet, 1/2 the lights didn't work, etc.] I ask him to show me how to use the stovetop and he puts a kettle on there and it works right away. I'm like, "What the fuck? I did the same thing with my frying pan."

I've finally figured it out. It senses the size of the pot/pan when you put it on there and if it's not EXACTLY the right size it shuts itself off. Only my kettle and one pot work. I bought a frying pan for eggs, etc. at IKEA but that doesn't work. And I swear the circumference of that pan is about 2cm different than the kettle. Fucking annoying. So I'm cooking everything in one pot that has no teflon so everything sticks like hell to it.

Then I had Eddie show me how to operate the A/C because the remote control for it is in Chinese. I just kept hitting buttons and had no idea what I was doing. I couldn't shut it off and was freezing my ass off. Haha...

Ahhhh, life abroad. It's all good. At least everyone is super nice here and super patient with me as I get frustrated easily. But that's mostly when I'm stressed. I've calmed down the past couple of days. After my boxes arrived I felt better. Tomorrow my desk/chair/filing cabinet are being delivered and my internet/fax line will be installed. So soon I will finally have a work space and will feel like I can really work at 100%.

The weather is GREAT here. It's not as humid anymore. SO excited about that.

I just joined a gym today. Called Pure Fitness. I desperately needed a workout and feel much better now. It's a really sweet gym. They provide everything. Towels, workout clothes, water bottles, etc. They have tons of DVD's to choose from and you can watch them when you're on the cardio machines. So today I watched a couple episodes of "Weeds". It's mostly expats that go there.

My Aunt Diana and Aunt Cindi are coming here this Friday. So excited. They're really fun. Diana is my cousin Randy's mom. Then next Friday I take off for Vietnam for a week. Am flying to there for a couple days...then I'm doing an overnight junk cruise in Halong Bay (picture below)

Then I'm flying to Danang and staying at a resort in Hoi An (picture of my room below)

It's a shame I have this room all to myself. I'm going to do that place up. Relax, massage, shop. Going to be fabulous! I'm getting a huge moving allowance from the company that I wasn't expecting and I just found out that they're paying for 3 business class flights home each year so that's new money I didn't know about. [Sarah, if you're reading this don't worry...I'm being good and am going to pay off my credit cards in no time!]

This is a long ass blog entry so I'll stop here.

Friday, October 19, 2007


So I was doing some last-minute packing as my car was coming in about 20 minutes to take me to JFK for my flight to HK. I'm feeling excited, anxious and most of all...nostalgic for all things NY/Entertainment Industry-related as I'm about to leave that part of my life behind.

The TV is on in the background but I'm not paying much attention to it. Then I hear the word "Lovebites" and I run to the TV. "Lovebites" is the micro-series I worked on with Paul in Toronto 2 summers ago.

The girl that's the actress in the new "Lovebites" is being interviewed and they ask her, "Is it true that Paul Reiser is involved in this project?"

I was like, "No WAY!"

How crazy is that? Just as I'm reflecting on the path my life's taken to bring me to this point I'm reminded of the best job I had out in LA.

I love when stuff like that happens.


I was just reading my friend's blog about how it's tough to have kids in your 40's. I was just thinking about the same thing this week because I was watching Oprah and she had a doctor on that's written a book that has become Oprah's bible when it comes to information about menopause.

The woman said that your body starts changing at age 35-40!!!!!

I'm almost 33!!!!


I don't know if I want to have kids. They take so much work and I like to sleep. But I want to at least have the option. And right now I'm at the airport about to fly to Hong Kong where I'm going to be until I'm 33 1/2. There are hardly any white boys there and they're mostly bankers who think they're hot shit because they're in Hong Kong.

Then I'm going to live in London where I don't know many people. I'll get hooked up with friends-of-friends but it takes about a year to get settled in a new city and force yourself into people's lives.

So then I'll be 34 1/2. And then I probably won't like living outside the U.S. so I'll want to move back to NY or something and I'll be 35 by the time that happens.

Right when my body will begin changing.

Not that I'm doing the math or anything.

You never know...I could meet some amazing guy in HK or London and live happily ever after.

WHERE IS HE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Overheard in NY

As I was walking down the street today I heard one of the best lines I've heard in awhile.

A man and a woman were sitting in chairs outside a little shop on Bedford Street.

Woman: "So what are you...Jewish? Catholic?"
Man: "Nahhh...I'm Italian."


Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunrise in NY

Since I'm all outta whack time-wise I was up at 5am this morning. Got to see the sunrise in NY. I never thought it was possible to miss a city this much. I LOVE this place! It's cool to walk around the West Village when hardly anyone is awake. What's totally disgusting is I passed by a bar that has all glass windows in the front and they still had trash and drinks sitting on the tables. Ewwwww! Do a lot of bars do this???

I went to Starbucks. Bought a muffin and coffee. I have Starbucks brand coffee already ground for me at home. Bought it at the exact same Starbucks location. My coffee pot is working the last time I checked. But instead, I walked to Starbucks to get coffee. It's sort of legitimate in that I needed something to eat for breakfast so I NEEDED to go to Starbucks for the food. [sigh] So much for avoiding the latte factor.

I bought my first Financial Times. I haven't read it yet. Just bought it. Baby's growin' up. Not sitting in the corner, mind you...just growing up.

I love this picture of a sunrise over the West Village.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Another Cool Thing About Hong Kong is...

...they have bendy straws at every restaurant.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Some HK Photos

These are nothing spectacular. More informative than anything...

My favorite bar so far. Best people watching spot and laid back people.

Haven't been here yet but am so happy I have the option. I'm hoping the size -2 Asian chicks working there will inspire me to NOT buy one of their delicious, glazed pastries.

This is the Soho area where I live. Tons of bars, shops and restaurants.

This is the largest outdoor escalator in the world. You can see the different sections going down the hill.

I will NOT be hanging my clothes outside to dry. Luckily, I have a washer/dryer in my apartment. But it's all one machine. European apparently.

This is a little store right next to where I live so I'm excited about being able to get my fruit and quickie things easily.

This is the street where I'm going to live. Prince's Terrace. It doesn't look like much in this picture but there are cool galleries on either side and a cute little outdoor cafe there on the left. And since cars can't drive on this street it's really quiet which I love.

My front door

I'm super close to the escalator. SO nice!

And of course...never too far away from a Starbucks.

I just liked this cluster of grafitti

My neighborhood Blockbuster

I'll never be able to completely leave LA...

Was almost going to live on this busy street market. See the "Gage Street Market Lofts" sign in the top? The guy used to live in SoHo in NY and the lofts have exposed brick, etc. Pretty cool but unfurnished which I couldn't do.

Cool building on Wellington Street

Also on Wellington Street. The menu states that the food is "in and around NY Deli style". Which probably means they'll put seared octopus on rye bread.

Circle K duuuude! There are tons of Circle K's and 7-11's.

Pottinger Street. I get tired just thinking about going up those stairs. I usually opt for the escalator.

They're VERY into Halloween here. So excited! I wonder if they'll understand my Mary Catherine Gallagher costume. Probably not. I've always wanted to do Karen Walker from "Will & Grace" too but I have a feeling they'll just think I'm a whiny drunk.

Tons of overpasses everywhere

In the same vein...tons of over-the-street walkways here. It's frustrating to try and figure out when the street's going to end and how to get up to the walkways. Sometimes it's the only way to cross the street. You can see the barricades there on the sidewalk. So you have to go into a big office building or mall and then find your way to the walkway. I will be very happy when I have this all figured out.

I know we've all seen funny Asian ads before but I couldn't resist putting a couple up. This one's my favorite so far.

"You're so dreeeeamy. I love you so much and I'm so attracted to you...but I...I...just can't stop eating this delicious ravioli with lobster and spinach."

I think these cute little guys are supposed to represent what you can get to eat at The Spaghetti House and I get three of them. Carrot, Tiramisu, soooomething that resembles a Christmas cupcake...and a slice of pizza. Apparently you're a little pig or cow whatever you eat. I've only seen ONE overweight Asian person since I've been here. ONE.

That's all for now. I'm going to meet my friend Cameron to watch my first rugby match. England vs. Australia. Supposed to be a big one!