Monday, April 03, 2006

Morning Sex

I love morning sex. Don't you? I've decided that I need to start more of my mornings this way. There's no comparison between morning sex and my herbal tea. Sex is definitely a better way to start the day.

I wrote that first paragraph of this entry on February 23rd. It's now May 5th and I'm finally getting around to finishing. I've been a liiiiiitle busy with work. That first paragraph makes me want to cry because it means that it's pretty much been since February 23rd that I've had morning sex. And instead of being out at some Mexican bar celebrating their independence with a cool, tasty margarita tonight (What? I care about Mexico's independence from...was it Spain? Britain? Mesopotamia? Whatever...I care about [margaritas] Mexico's independence.).........I'm stuck at work at 8:25pm on a Friday night. And it would be okay if I were doing stimulating, satisfying work, but instead I'm printing scripts. But at least I have time to catch up on this blogging thing.

I shall break everything down into life categories so as to make this organized (I'm not unlike "Monica" from Friends - I'm way too anal and freakishly strong).

Friends (speaking of)
I hope they're doing well. I've been working too much in the past month and a half to know what's going on with anyone. I hope they're still alive and well and wanting to hang out with me when I resurface.

See "Friends"

Sex (yessss, this qualifies as a "life category")
If it weren't for Hot Actor Boy Jeffrey I wouldn't have anything to put in this category. But thank God for 8" favors. We hung out awhile ago and had a great night. And morning. Hence the beginning of this blog entry. He made me breakfast and then took me for a ride on the back of his motorcycle. We drove up the PCH to Pepperdine and then through Topanga Canyon and back home. That was a moment I hope I never forget. Holding onto a hot guy on the back of his bike while looking at the beach whizzing by. Awesome.

Then we went to a Billy Joel concert that week as well. I got free tickets through work and my first backstage pass. That was pretty damn cool. I had met Billy earlier in the day and was so in awe that when he asked, "How are you?" I said, "I...I'm goo-...well, I uh, I'm fine." It was as if I was a frustrated toddler trying to get put together these new things called WORDS that everyone around me used to communicate thoughts. Classic.

The concert was really, really fun. Billy rocked the house. Sean Hayes sat behind us. Marlee Matlin was in our row. Scott Grimes (red head from "ER") was in front of us. And best of all Hot Actor Boy Jeffrey thought I was supercool for the great seats and VIP access. So I stayed the night at his place and went to work the next morning. That was the last I saw of Hot Actor Boy Jeffrey because he went to Thailand for a couple weeks. He just got back though so hopefully we'll get together soon ;)

I drove a Saturn for about 1 1/2 years that I bought off my roommate. I hated that car. After it hit the 50,000 mile mark everything started falling apart on it. No A/C, window was stuck down just in time for rainy season, radio reception sucked, seat belt wouldn't retract, couldn't open the glove box because it wouldn't shut again......the list goes on.

I think I subconsiously wanted to end it's life so I wasn't that shocked when I got into a fender bender one rainy morning on my way to work. I hit some old guy with a Disability Plate on the back of his new Mercedes. Lovely.

But I emerged victorious and once again proved that reckless driving pays off because my Saturn was totaled as a result of the tiny accident (proves the car is literally worth a piece of shit) and I got a check from my insurance company.

I get on Craig's List and 12 hours and $900 later I'm driving a......[drumroll]......1987 Nissan Sentra. YEAH BABY!!!! It rocks. I made an $800 profit at the end of the day. Not bad. So if you see an old person driving around. Go rear end 'em a little bit. You could pay off a credit card or take a spa weekend.

I get in the new tin box this past Tuesday morning and it's completely dead. Great. I haven't even had time to take it to the DMV to get the damn thing registered and it's dead. I hadn't even had it a month yet.

So I wait a couple days until I have time to call a tow truck from AAA. The tow truck guy gets to the house and I explain the problem and he suggests trying to start the car. I roll my eyes and say, "I'm telling you it's dead." I put the keys in and it starts right up. He was very nice not to rub my nose in it.

So I'm driving around at lunch and the car dies again. In the middle of the street when I'm driving. Some nice guys happened to be walking by and pushed the car off the road for me. I call AAA again. Another tow truck guy comes. Remember this is the same day. I explain the problem to him and he suggests popping the hood. I roll my eyes and say, "I'm telling you it's dead." He looks at the battery and one of the things popped off the thing (sorry, you'll have to fill in your own mechanical jargon there). He puts it back on and the car starts right up.

I gave him a $10 for his trouble. I swear....[note to self: sign up for car engine class]

At least the car's working now.

I'll try to make this brief, but I can't promise anything (and if you've made it this far you've realized by now that I'm not the most succinct blogger. I feel details are very important).

So - we have several projects going on at work, but there are 2 main ones. A show for TBS and a show for CBS. The "T" and "C" are very important distinctions.

The TBS show has been really frustrating so far because of the people we're working with. And just the nature of the project. There are 83 scripts to number, title, organize, give notes on and keep straight in my head. What draft are we up to on #47? What's the location of #29? Etc. This project is shooting in Toronto and it's recently come up that I may go for the shoot to assist the director with whatever she needs and also be there for the entire post production which is scheduled to go through Aug. 15th. And with these people I'm sure we'll run over.

Now - there's the other show. For CBS. We find out in 11 days if that's getting picked up. If it does then I'm probably getting a promotion to Associate Producer and will be moving to NY where that one will shoot. UNLESS they decide to do the post production here in LA. In which case I'll be devastated because I really, really want to move to NY, but can't pass up the opportunity on the show.

And then there's a twist. If the CBS show gets picked up then I'd probably need to be in NY ready to work by the beginning of August. Which means that the Toronto show would overlap. And since I can't be in two places at once...I don't know.

AND I may have to make a decision to go to Toronto or not BEFORE we find out about the CBS show. I don't think that'll happen but it's possible.

Still with me?

Best case scenario is that the CBS show gets a midseason pickup which means we'd start a little later and I could probably fit in both projects.

But - as we all know - life just doesn't turn out that well. Usually. Maybe I'll get to cash in on some of that good karma that's bound to be heading my way aaaaaany day now. 11 days to be exact.

Viva La Mexico!