Thursday, February 07, 2008

The next day

So hungover today. When I woke up I remembered that Matt had texted me after we parted ways last night just to say hi. The end of the night is a blur but I do remember saying something about how I didn't want to hook up with him because I really like him and don't want to mess it up. But who knows how the hell I phrased it when I was wasted. God.

But I do remember him texting me and I texted him back asking him his last name. He texted it back and asked for mine and I shot back some stupid ass text about how I wouldn't give it to him and he has to earn it. Why couldn't I just be nice and answer the boy's question? I swear...

I didn't get anymore texts after that. Today I texted him saying that I couldn't remember what my stupid text said and gave him my last name.

Another part of the reason that yesterday was a happy day was because this girl I met last weekend, Amy, texted me saying we should get together this weekend. She's a pretty cool girl and has a bunch of guy friends. I texted her back today as well.

Then tonight I decided to watch "Bridget Jones Diary". A few minutes after it started I thought, "Why am I watching this movie? I'm going to be depressed after it's over." But then I got a text that said, "Hey there - I'm not feeling well today so I'm not going out but will hopefully feel better tomorrow and will keep you posted."

I thought it was Matt because we had talked about hanging out this weekend. I thought about how to respond and did...and then continued watching the movie thinking, "See? I'm not Bridget! I have a guy!" And then I double-checked my phone again and it was Amy's number that had just sent the text. Not Matt's.

Loser. I'm just glad that my response to Amy that I THOUGHT was going to Matt actually made sense for her as well so I didn't have to explain myself. Ha.

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