Thursday, February 07, 2008

Happy Day!

After a very bleak January I finally had a good night out in Hong Kong. I had emailed my friend Sara who's my only connection to the happy hour group I was hanging out with. I heard back from her but she was in a post-holiday funk like everyone else. Then yesterday I ran into her at the grocery store. I know about 10 people here but I run into them all the time. HK is so small.

We joked about how we're hibernating, etc. Then when I got home she called and wanted to get a drink. We were going to make ourselves wake up from our hibernation.

I truuuuuly planned on just drinking a couple glasses of wine, catching up with her and going home but she got in touch with Jonathan who's the main instigator of trouble and we met him out. Matt was with him. Matt is a guy that I really like a lot. He makes me laugh, he's smart, confident, loves to dance, is laid back, etc. I was so excited to see him because I had no way to get in touch with him directly and now I could get his number.

We talked all night long (like we always do) and drank a lot (like we always do) and danced. That boy can dance. I LOVE IT! [sidebar: hanging out with Matt reminded me of my ex-boyfriend Dave from NY and how much he sucked. I was so uncomfortable around Dave and felt awkward. And he was so serious. Couldn't be goofy. Would never dance. He wouldn't even bowl when we went to a BOWLING birthday party for a friend of his. Lameass.]

So we all ended up getting wasted. He and I danced for awhile and then started making out on the dance floor. So cheesy but I couldn't help myself. SO attracted to him! Yay! It felt really good. I discounted him as a potential guy to date before because I didn't think I was feeling it. Part of the reason was that I was being really shallow. He has a really bad smile. One of those gummy smiles. Really, really gummy. But after having such a good time with him last night it started to matter less and less and then it just was a part of him and it didn't bother me.

I like that he always makes fun of me for being an American.

We'll see...

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