Sunday, November 25, 2007

Old Guy

I didn't know how to respond to Tony's email. Plus, I was really busy with work and had social engagements at night so I didn't have time to sit and compose a thoughtful reply.

So I let 2 days go by without responding which isn't THAT long and I get this email from him:

I'm not sure whether you have received this email (see bottom), as I have been anxiously awaiting your reply. You have occupied my fancy and my soul. I know that you have probably been very busy with plans for London and your immediate work there... When are you returning to Atlanta and for how long?

I'm like, "Back OFF! Jesus."

Given that this is my reaction tells me that I'm no longer interested in him at all. I went out that night with the 5:01 club (another story for the next post) and was hungover the whole next day, then went straight to dinner with someone and out again. Then Sunday morning I get a call. Caller ID says "Anonymous" which is does a LOT on this phone (which I hate).

It's Tony.

I forgot I had given all of them my number so they could get in touch with me when they were in HK. It was 11am and I had been sleeping (rough weekend) so I was out of it. I said I was sorry I hadn't returned his email but it overwhelmed me a bit and I've been busy the past few days and didn't want to just send a quick reply. I asked if I could call him back. Got his number.

And then sent him an email.

I'm such a coward but he's just turned me off SO much that I don't even want to talk with him. I sent the following reply:

I did get your email but I was truly busy with work and had evening plans for a few days in a row. So I've been going non-stop and haven't had a chance to respond. I suppose I also put it off a bit because I didn't know how to respond.

This is such a wonderful email you sent me. But I must admit it did scare me off and overwhelm me. I don't know if you really heard me in my first email but friendship is all I can offer at this point. I'm not comfortable with anything else. In these long-distance situations I have to listen to my instincts and my heart. If you were consuming my thoughts then I would have to listen to that, and I suspect I would've had a different reaction to your email. But that's not what's happening on my end. I'm so sorry to say this because I don't want to hurt you but I just want to be honest. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your openness and sincerity. Unfortunately, I don't come across too many men that are able to reveal themselves like you are. But again, like I said in my first email, I'm not up for just having fun and I don't want to get involved with someone that doesn't live near me. In the days since you left I've only grown more certain of this.

I'm sorry I took the coward's way out and emailed you vs. calling you back. You deserve more than that.

Hopefully I wasn't too harsh but I'm not going to string this guy along when I really don't want to see him again. Hopefully he'll get it now and stop pursuing me.

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