Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I sent an email to the guy I cried in front of to explain why it happened. I just didn't want him thinking I'm a nutcase. I sent a short email telling him he didn't even need to reply but I needed to explain and that I was sorry for making him feel like shit (which I did).

So he calls me at 9:30pm when he's getting off of work and left a nice message apologizing as well...saying he shouldn't have pushed the issue...etc.

I didn't call him back and he emailed me this morning with:

"Bunches...Good morning. Just thinking of you and wanted to drop a line. Wishing I had some spare time."

ARGH! Now he's being all sweet which is going to make me like him again and then I'm back where I started. Liking a guy that doesn't have time or want to put forth the effort into a relationship. MUST remember that he doesn't want to date and I'm just going to be disappointed in the end.

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