Sunday, March 30, 2008


I was at such a low point this past Thursday and Friday after the whole Joe thing. I'm just so tired of not having anything in my life going on that matters on any real level. This job sucks and feels so pointless. It's not pointless because I'm paying off debt but I can't believe I have to do this for another 1 1/2 years. Poor me, whatever, but to not have a career I care about or a relationship or even many friends to's just tough.

But then my friend Brigitte emailed me to say, "Welcome back to HK!" That made my day. Someone gave a shit that I was here. Sweet! We went shopping for our Rugby 7's costumes Friday evening and had a ball picking them out. We went with slutty nurses. Nice!

Then I headed to the tournament but she couldn't go so I met up with Cameron who was wasted but it was perfect. I got the lay of the land so I knew what to do the next day.

Brigitte and I had a BLAST yesterday at the tournament! Here's some pictures that she took.

She waited in line for over 2 1/2 hours to get us into the South Stand which is the "cool" area. All the costumed drunkards hang out there and it's totally crazy. I only waited in line for 1 1/2 hours because I forgot my ticket and had to go home to get it.

We actually had fun waiting in line and of course Brigitte had met some guys while waiting in line. Funny how men want to talk with slutty nurses.

We finally got in and then 10 minutes later they closed access to the South Stand for the night. We were so lucky! Then another 10 minutes later I look up and about 5 rows away is Matt the Brit in his horse costume. He looked so cute. I hung out with him for a lot of the day and then also hung out with Brigitte towards the front of the section.

It was quite the experience. Fans from all the different teams sitting next to each other and having a great time. Beer pitchers flying everywhere. Crazy costumes. Getting our picture taken with random people. Eating my first beef pie (My first of many I suspect after I move to London).

There was a huge tent that everyone went to after the games were over and it was so well-organized. Tons of clean bathrooms...hardly had to wait in line at all for alcohol and food. And the food was pretty good! We kept seeing the same people all night long and would just yell, "Hey! Elephant Guy!" or whatever their costume was. Brigitte had found a couple guy friends of hers and I wanted to get as much Matt time in as I could so we ended up separating.

Matt and I had the great time we always do. Talked a lot, drank a lot, danced a lot. Then he came back to my place and I finally got to be with him. It felt really good but when he left this morning I was immediately a bit sad. He had to fly to Japan today and is going to be gone for 3-4 weeks. He said that he's tired of doing so much traveling so his company is going to hire a few people that can live in the major cities he travels to and will be based there so he doesn't have to physically go anymore.

But by the time he hires them and they get settled and he doesn't have to travel as much anymore...I'll be moving to London. It's perfectly bad timing and pisses me off.

Here's a picture of us from the rugby tournament.

Why do I look like I'm 5 months pregnant? Fuck.

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