Sunday, February 24, 2008

Weekend Update

I've been chasing my friend Jan all week trying to get together with him. He had texted me last week and was all depressed, etc. Friday night we were going to rent a movie and order food so that's what mood I was in and then he bailed on me. Which is fine but he made me let him out of it. I hate when people do that. If you're too're too tired. Don't say, "You gotta come over now or I'm gonna pass out."

Gee, that sounds like super times.

Just SAY that you're too tired. So I stayed in Friday night but it was all good. I watched the American Idol results show. Those are so cheesy. I need to skip them and just find out who got the ax online. I drank some wine, called my mom for her birthday, sent everyone I've ever met my little "Umbrella-ella-ella" blog post because I was proud of it, then went to bed.

Tried to see "No Country For Old Men" Saturday but it was sold out so I saw "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" which I really enjoyed. Then I texted my friend Jan because he said that he would probably be going out. And since he bailed on me the night before - correction IIIII bailed FOR him - I figured he owed me one.

He never responded.

I texted my friend Cameron but he was leaving the next morning to go to Thailand for a couple weeks. That's what happens here. Everyone is always out of town taking advantage of being close to so many cheap Asian beaches.

I texted my friend Sara.

She never responded.

So I remembered Joss, my cousin's trainer. I've had her number for about 3 months and have never called her. So I did and she was one block away drinking with friends. PERFECT!

I had a great time. She and her friends are all so nice and laid back and I was really comfortable around them. One girl, Brigitte, lives two floors below me in my building! Crazy! She's so cool too.

Then I met Joss's roommate, Ginny. She's a physical therapist and she asked me if I compete in triathlons (everyone in this group is SUPER in shape) and I told her my knees are fucked up and she said, "Oh I can fix those for you for free." I was very skeptical and explained that I have runner's knee and she said, "Oh yeah, I can fix that."

Soooooo, I'm a bit excited to see what she says.

HK is like LA but times 5. It can be so lonely one night where you're drinking wine and so tired of talking to yourself that you think you're going to lose it and then the next night you have free physical therapy and new friends! The highs and lows are pretty extreme. It's tough to manage.

Today I walked to parts of HK that I hadn't explored yet which was fun. Took some pictures...then got to see "No Country For Old Men" which I loved! Although I get why everyone is confused by the ending. I hate when film's do what they did. I'm paranoid I'm missing something and I hate that feeling.

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