Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Favorite Asian Girl Comment Today

I was in a store today where the girls compliment you a lot and tell you you're skinny so you'll buy their really expensive clothes. And, as usual, they only had sizes 0, 2 & 4 on the rack. So I had to once again ask if they had my size in the back. I used what is now my signature joke that always gets a reaction:

"Do you have this in the back in, you know...big, fat, American girl sizes?" (I puff out my cheeks and move from side-to-side acting like I'm the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.)

That usually results in a little hand-to-mouth-hee-hee but the reply from the girl today was classic. She lit up and started knodding her head and said:

"Oh yes! This clothes from Germany so they big and fit you."

I haven't felt that beastly in quite awhile. Ahhhhh, yeahhhh. Asia's awesome.

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