Monday, August 13, 2007

Weekend update 8/13

Friday night I sat at home watching TV because I had to get up early in the morning to catch a train to Fire Island.

Caught the subway to get to Penn Station to get the train to Bayshore to get the shuttle to the ferry stop to get on the boat to Ocean Beach.

$40 later I'm at the beach. Fire Island is really cute. This is definitely the way to live in NYC. Having a share in a house during the summer. It's amazing how important it is to get out of the city on the weekends. Helps you mentally survive the craziness of the city the rest of the year.

My roommate is gay so it was me and 6 lesbians. Awesome. They're great ladies but after an entire day and night of talking about "energy" and "praying to the angels" and "feng shui" and "feelings" - I was ready for some men. Just so that the men can talk about sports or something and I could just sit there and not have to talk. But I didn't go to the straight bar. I was too lazy.

When we laid out on the beach my roommate talked the entire fucking time. I wanted to just rest, relax and be QUIET. Girls talk too much.

I was so impressed with the food, man. These lezzies can COOK! We had grilled seabass, asparagus, shrimp, scallops, salad, great wine, cheese, etc. I was in heaven.

My boss from the website called me as I was waiting for my train back to the city to go over things about the site. Didn't have much info for me other than we need to prepare for a launch but the launch could still not happen. He's not making it easy for me to pick a date to leave. It's driving me nuts. I just want to leave. I think he can sense that I'm no longer enthused about the site but he still has no idea that I'm ready to give my 2 weeks notice.

I'm not looking forward to that phone call.

It's only a matter of time though......

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