Monday, June 04, 2007

Memorial Day weekend

This is a belated post. I was so exhausted from Memorial Day weekend that I couldn't bring myself to type up a post.

And now that it's so far after-the-fact I'll make it shorter than I normally would have.

Friday night we had dinner in the city with Pete & Crisi. It was just an OK evening. Conversation wasn't really flowing for some reason. Went to The Park in Chelsea and the service was horrible. Dave and Pete had started drinking that day at 4pm and when I met up with them to go to dinner Dave's eyes were SO bloodshot. High as a kite. Which I don't care about but it just was a signal to me that I probably wasn't gettin' any that night.

Crisi and I joked about that when we were getting after dinner drinks (WHY do I think it's a good idea to slam 2 mojitos after dinner? Why is this necessary?). She wanted to go home to increase her chances of getting laid and I said, "Tell me about it. I dressed extra cute to try and balance out the alcohol & pot in Dave's system."

We both got screwed that night. And not in the good way.

Saturday I barely made my train to CT. Pete, Crisi and I met Dave in Norwalk, CT where Pete, Dave and a bunch of his friends grew up. We BBQ'd at Tim's place. His wife was out of town so it was the 5 of us. Started drinking around 4pm I think and we were up until 4am. I was so tired but I had to stay up with Dave because he had a friend/worker of his to entertain.

Dave and I stayed at Pete's parents house in a room with two twin beds and a crib. Awesome. So we had sex in the twin bed (it was pretty good actually) and then separated to sleep. Nice set up. I think they had it right in the "Leave It To Beaver" days.

Sunday morning we grabbed brunch with Pete/Crisi...they went back to the city. We cleaned Tim's house and then went to the Sunset Grill (place on the water). But before that Dave and Tim drove me around Norwalk and I got to see the house Dave grew up in. AMAZING. Victorian house from the late 1800's. White. Huge front porch. 400 ft. of waterfront property. Truly beautiful. I can't believe he grew up there.

So we sat at Sunset Grill for about 12 hours drinking in the sun. I slammed back WAY too much alcohol and got nasty drunk. Where I get all dramatic and crying over something stupid. I HATE when I get like that. I'm a bad drunk. But we still had fun.

Dave and I had to sleep on Tim's couch. Ugh.

I couldn't even speak in the morning. Dave drove us back to his place and I crashed on his bed for a few hours and then we sat around all day watching TV. He drove me back the next day around noon.

LONG ASS weekend but overall it was a lot of fun. I was sick the whole next week though. My body was wrecked. Three days in a row of heavy drinking = not good. No more.

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