Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Baby Fat vs. Body Fat

I was at the gym yesterday and this woman on the ellipti-girly machine next to me was the fuuuuuh-reakist worker-outer I've ever seen!

She was pumping her arms like crazy. I thought, "I bet she's picturing her cheating ex-husband is standing in front of her or something." She was grunting out loud too which is so annoying to me. I'm like...alriiiight, alriiiiight. We get it. You're working out. Now shut the fuck up and let me workout too - in peace.

The worst thing though was she had pulled her t-shirt up to her bra line. And the t-shirt was able to just sit up there because it was resting on her HUGE gut! And she wasn't pregnant!

It's become acceptable to have your belly hanging out if you happen to be pregnant and I agree that is okay because it's something to be proud of and happy about and it's a beautiful, miraculous event. Celebrate it! Show it off!

But BODY FAT?!?! Nonononononononono. NOBODY wants to see that! I was so bothered by this girl's pasty white gut bouncing up and down and aggressive elliptical style that I had to pick the machine farthest from her so I wouldn't have her in my peripheral vision and her grunting in my right ear. Then of course my DVD player didn't work so I had to get on the one right next to her. I listed to my DVD really loudly and stared straight ahead and it all worked out fine (pun intended).

Having fat and going to the gym to workout is great. Go for it. But I don't want to see it jiggling and sweating everywhere.

I must admit though it was a great motivator for me to work my ass off so I don't end up looking like her. Sorry. That was mean...but it what I was thinking.

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