Monday, April 14, 2008

Yumi The New Japanese Buddy

Saturday I slept until noon barely waking up in time to shower and meet Yumi at Stanley Market. Yumi is friends with Yuko. Yuko is a secretary in Tokyo that I hung out with when I was there for our company's Christmas party.

Yumi is in HK for business for a few months and Yuko thought we could get together. I let out a loud ass sigh when I read her email but remembered that Yuko spoke the best English out of all the secretaries so I thought it might not be TOO bad.

I was PLEASANTLY surprised! Yumi is really cool and speaks perfect English. She's atypical of the traditional Japanese woman so she's much more independent-minded which I like. I can relate to her more. I need my girlfriends to have some balls.

So now I have a new friend for a few months! I had plans to go to dinner with Cameron, his date and another couple in Lamma Island so I invited her to join us. You I'd have a date too.

Restaurant was very casual...the seafood is alive until 2 minutes before you eat it so that shit is FRESH. We had to use several tools to crack open the various crustaceans we ordered which I hate because I always demolish the insides and have nothing to eat by the time I get to it. But I made exclamations of "Yummmmm" and "SO gooood!" and just ate enough fried rice to fill my stomach.

Didn't have much to talk about with Cameron's friends as they were another western guy/asian girl couple and the asian girl didn't speak much english. She and Cameron's date would prattle on in Filippino.

After dinner Yumi and I hit the same two bars I went to the night before. I wanted to make sure to establish a connection with the #1 bartender in Asia guy, Jackie, as that's someone I want remembering me. They play cheesy 70's Kung Fu movies on the wall.

Plus, I was looking pretty good and wanted to get my flirt on to make up for the debacle the night before. And I wanted to show off my top I got in Vietnam because it was the first time I was wearing it.

Jackie made us amazing drinks again. I got SMASHED and insisted we go to the only dance club I know where I proceeded to text WAY too many people (this is where I argue technological advances are NOT a good thing for society...and by society I mean me).

1 - I texted my roommate from NY because there was a chick there that looked just like her (it was true).

2 - I texted a guy from NY who I thought was going to be my boyfriend when I lived there but quickly realized he wasn't as there was a guy there that looked just like him (sort of true).

3 - I texted Matt the Brit because the first night I met him we went to the same dance club (we proceeded to text flirt for the next 2 hours - and this is where I argue that technological advances are a GREAT thing for society...and by society I mean my ego and/or vagina).

I gave my business card to a random guy who I'm not interested in which is a bummer because I now have to screen calls on my HK phone. I had a clean slate until Saturday night. Fudge.

I finally left (NO idea what time) for the hike home. See below.

That's just one section out of four I have to scale to get to my apartment.

Here's a security guy I pass by on the way home who does a super awesome job.

I was barely able to hoist my body out of bed around 1:30pm on Sunday and when I did I immediately felt pain in both my feet. My head fell forward - mostly out of curiosity but also because it weighed more than my entire body and my neck had no choice but to give up - and I saw two bloody pinky toes. Uhhh, guess my high heels didn't quite fit? I love how alcohol hides the pain so you can at least dance a little bit and deal with the consequences later.

The shoes are black so there was black shit all over my feet too. My eyes were swollen. I had mascara on my nose. The mascara that remained on my eyelashes smooshed them into one big clump o' eyelash. My hair smelled like smoke. There was an empty can of Pringles on my coffee table. An empty bag of M&M's next to it. And lastly, an almost full bottle of water on the floor. My sharp sleuthing determind that I was trying to balance out the wine, liquor, champagne, shooters and beer with.......hydrogenated oil, red #5 and 2 sips of water.

Sweet. Good times.


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