Monday, February 18, 2008

So Much Better!

MAN, the winter blues took a brutal hold of me this year. Jesus! I've finally snapped out it and I feel so much better!

A few events over the past week helped me a lot. It helped to have a couple of dates with Matt the Brit. Mostly because I could hear myself complaining as I was talking with him and I sounded pathetic. So that was a wake up call.

Then I went out Friday night with my friend Sara and she's just great. Having some social interaction helped.

Then Saturday night my friend Jan texted me on accident. He was wasted at the Wynn casino in Macau and meant to text someone else. But the text was a little disturbing so I called him and he said, "I'm about to jump off a bridge." I was worried about him. He was basically losing his shit in the same way I was this winter. He was sick of every interaction with people being so difficult and was missing home, etc. Not that I want my friend to suffer but it helped me to know that I'm not completely insane for not 100% loving that I live abroad. It's really tough. And he's been here for 3 years.

Then Sunday the weather finally got a bit warmer. It was a beautiful day so I decided to explore in the New Territories a bit and takes some pictures. I hadn't taken a small photography trip since November and I guess I really needed it. I didn't realize how much I need my little photography/exploring creative outlet. And I also didn't realize how much prolonged cold/bad weather effects my mood. We'll see how long I last in London.

After the New Territories I came home and finally went to this Mexican restaurant I've been hearing about. OMG - it's SO GOOD! I had an extreme margarita (with Grand Marnier) and the best friggin' enchiladas I've ever had. In Hong Kong. Who knew? Then I was texting with my friend Scout because he was my margarita buddy in LA and he always makes me laugh.

So by Sunday night I finally found my way out of the fog. As Patti Labelle would sing, "I've got a new attiTUDE!!!" (shut up...Patti rocks the mic)

And yes, I don't like 90% of my job duties but I've climbed the mountain of ridiculous self pity and can see the big picture again and how spectacular it is. Being able to pay off $25,000 of credit card debt by September is fucking amazing.

[Sigh] I can finally start 2008!

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