Monday, April 09, 2007

Weekend update 4/9

Friday night I went to the gym after work then went home and waited for my work friend to call about maybe going out that night. "The Sound of Music" was on TV so I curled up on the couch and howled and yodeled for the next 1 1/2 hours. Work buddy never called but that was a good thing because I was exhausted.

I read "A Movable Feast" on Saturday. Really good book. Loved it. Then went to gym again and then went to see the Will Ferrell movie and it's hysterical! Loved it. Much better than "Anchorman" in my opinion.

Didn't get drinks after the movie...everyone wanted to go home which was fine with me because I wanted to go to church for Easter Sunday for some reason. Haven't been to church since high school (except for weddings/funerals) and I was just in the mood.

So I Googled "Methodist church West Village" and found one on 7th Avenue and went. It was soooo interesting. It's a church that's very liberal and open to everyone which I liked. So there was a good ethnic mix, gays are welcome, etc. Two homeless guys were there and they kept getting up during the service. One obsessively combed his hair the whole time.

They had interpretive dancers, hip hop dancers, 4 different ministers. The Latino minister sounded just like Stimpy from "Ren & Stimpy" so I was having to supress my laughter which works really well in church. He would say something like, "The jjjoy I feel wif Hay-sus in my liiife..." and I would think, "Telllll me a story..." (the famous Stimpy line).

I sang, "Christ is Risen" and other songs who's lyrics I don't agree with. There was a guy playing the electric guitar in bad Santana-style. They had the "meet the person next to you" thing but it lasted 10 minutes and I swear I met everyone in the church. One woman hugged me. Then they had a "if you're a visitor please stand up" moment. Ugh. So I stood up and then they said, "If you feel comfortable please introduce yourself to the congregation."

Aaaaaand I sat down.

The main sermon was pretty good (read: short) and he didn't preach. He admitted that he sometimes has a hard time with the whole "resurrection of the body" part which I thought was interesting.

Anyway...lovely experience. Don't think I'll be going back there anytime soon but I'm glad I did it.

Then I ate brunch at Grey Dog's and got the Times and read about a photo exhibit in the Arts & Leisure section so I decided to go because it was closeby in Chelsea. The pictures were just okay. She's been to some of the same places as me and she literally had one photo that was EXACTLY like one of mine but it's not an interesting picture so I didn't understand why it was included.

They had two floors dedicated to art about the Dalai Lama and I bought a book in the bookstore called "The Quantum and the Lotus" about how physics and Buddhism aren't mutually exclusive. Reason & Faith. I've always been interested in that stuff.

Love how I started the day at a Methodist church and ended it on Buddhism. WTF?

I then proceeded to search 4 different drug stores for Cadbury eggs because I treat myself to a 3-pack every year but they were all out. So I got 2 of the Reece's eggs and then a caramel Cadbury egg. Then later in the day I got a piece of carrot cake.

Can we saaaaaay PMS?

Dave was at his parents all weekend so I didn't get to see him but we're hanging out tomorrow night. Was good to miss him a little bit. Okay a lot. Am dying to see him.

Our website finally has a launch date of May 8th! Yay!!!!!

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