Monday, February 13, 2006

Weekend Review

MAN, I had the best weekend! After all the party craziness of the weekend before I was thankful that I had NOTHING that I HAD to do this weekend. It was fabulous. Friday night I stayed home and watched part of the Opening Ceremonies and I gotta say - pretty damn boring. Thank God for TiVo. I always feel so stupid too when they announce some country that I've never heard of before. "...Angora...Aruba...Aruthagippinstan...Bali..." Wait, what? I TiVo backwards to make sure I heard the announcer correctly.....yep, yep, he said "Aruthagippinstan" alright. I watch the globe at the bottom swirl around to the location of the country - still lost.

So....yeah, I got tired of feeling stupid - go figure - and resorted to my always faithful "Sex & the City" rerun.

Saturday I slept in really late (love that) and decided I needed to go running. I haven't run since the NY Marathon in early November and I was itching for a good jog (why does that sound sexual? GOD, I'm in heat). Given that I may be moving to NY soon I thought it'd be a good idea to take advantage of being close to the beach while I'm still in LA. So I drove up the PCH and found a cool spot. Put on my iPod and selected "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve (so cliche, but don't judge...) which was the perfect song. The weather was fuckin' fantastic (75 degrees in February), the surfers were all lined up in their black wet suits, the sun was shining and I just ran. It felt great! .......aaaaand after about 5 minutes I had had enough of thaaaaat so I relaxed in my beach chair for about an hour listening to mellow tunes and then headed home.

With traffic it was a 27-hour round trip experience, but toooootally worth it.

Stayed in Saturday night as well. I contemplated calling a friend to go out, but in the end I got lazy and watched more of the Olympics. Saw a girl that I met at the Salt Lake Olympics in 2002 win the Gold medal in the moguls so that was cool.

I must admit that I also read some of Dr. Phil's book "Love Smart" Saturday night. My mom mailed this book to me randomly about a month ago and I almost lost my shit when I opened the box. I thought it might have been another belated birthday gift so I ripped open the package and......yeah. Dr. Phil's advice on finding a man. Jesus Christ. Is she serious? But luckily for her she included a note that said she didn't know if I'd get anything out of the book but thought she'd try. And it's a hardcover too. My mother borrows paperback books from people so she doesn't have to buy them. But when it comes to me finding a man she apparently has no problem shelling out the dough.

I was very ANTI the book. The whole idea of it pissed me off. "I don't need HELP finding a man! Reading a BOOK isn't going to help me find the guy of my dreams!" It sat on my floor next to my bed for about 2 weeks. Dr. Phil's smiling face looking up at me saying, "You're still siiiiiiinnnggglllllllle. There must be something wrong with you. Just read the first chapter. Go on little one. You can do it. You never knowwwwwww."

Fucking Dr. Phil. I hid the book for our party last weekend to protect myself from any potential embarrassing comments. That's ALL I need. So I found the book again this past Saturday night and decided that since I have a first date with a guy this can't hurt to just skim a little.

Most of the book is stuff I don't need, but he did have a few helpful statements I'll take with me.

Thank you, Dr. Phiiiiiiiil. [she says very unenthusiastically]

ANYWAY...Sunday I decided to place myself in a "target rich environment" (Dr. Phil-ism) and go to the golf range to hit a bucket of balls. I tried on 2 different casual outfits and spent about 15 minutes doing my hair when - in the end - it ended up in a baseball hat because Lord help me I look like I tried too hard. Overall it took me an hour to get ready - to go sweat.

The only cute boy at the driving range was with a cute girl (my baseball hat was better though - WHAT? I'm not bitter.) so that part was a bust, but I got some good golf swings in there.

Then I got the NY Times and plopped myself at a table at Red Rock and had a Guiness and a turkey burger. Then a girlfriend of mine called out of the blue so she joined me which was fun.

I ended the weekend with "Grey's Anatomy" of course. The world would end if I missed one second of Dr. McDreamy. Someone told me recently that I look like Ellen Pompeo and now everytime she's on screen I'm looking at her and thinking, "really?" Whatever, who cares.

I didn't go to bed until about 4:30am and I'm exhausted today. The anticipation of getting the question "Am I moving to NY or not?" answered is killing me. Hopefully I'll know by the end of this week!!!!!!!

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