Sunday, November 02, 2008


I love Halloween. I love dressing up. Whether I'm making an ass of myself or dressing as a slutty version of some service industry worker. My inner actress gets to come out. But every year I drag my feet on deciding who to dress up as. My last minute decision this year was Uma Thurman's character from Pulp Fiction. Sexy, fun, recognizable, I got to wear a wig and didn't have to wear heels. Perfect.

I ordered the black wig online and it didn't arrive until 3pm on Friday but at least it arrived. I thought I needed more than the wig so I stopped in a pharmacy, walked up to the counter and said, "One plastic syringe please". The pharmacist looked at me like I was nuts. I explained it was for Halloween and he gave it to me for free saying, "You seem nice" with a wink and a smile. I taped the syringe to my chest and drew the red magic marker spot as well.

The next step was watching the famous dance scene and memorizing her moves. I practiced a couple times and had it down pat. I even memorized her Fox Force Five joke about the tomatoes in case someone tested me.

I was fully prepared. And I thought people would know who my character was as soon as they saw the syringe. I mean come ON...Mrs. Mia Wallace? HelllooooOOOoooo.

Nobody in my group got my costume. At least not right away. It wasn't their fault because they either hadn't seen the movie (pause for gasp) or they weren't able to see the syringe because the place we went was too dark. I was constantly pulling my shirt open so people could see it...but nothing.

My friend was really sweet. Said a couple times "You look so CUTE!" then later said, "OH - I get it! The red dot is the blood!"

[Sigh] God bless her for trying.

We attempted to dance but as soon as we'd get going we'd get knocked in the back by someone. Way too crowded. We left and tried to find another place to go but everything closes SO early here so we had a hard time. We ended up finding one place but nobody was dressed up. Brits aren't so into Halloween. However they ARE into beer so they LOVED one guy in our group because he was dressed up as a giant beer.

We went back to the crowded place because it was still open and served alcohol. On the way, this British woman walked past us and said, "Well, they take it quite seriously, don't they?" We CRACKED up laughing and yelled, "Yeah we do!!"

Overall, I had a good time but was disappointed that not many people were into it. Took some of the fun out of it. And I didn't meet one single guy I was interested in. Except I had a moment with a guy as I was waiting for the tube. It was most likely a complete fabrication in my sex-starved imagination but it was a moment for me at least. I was sitting down in the station and as he walked towards the seat next to me our eyes met and instantly locked and we both couldn't help smiling. I never smile at people on the tube because they might be nuts and I don't need any nutty tube people in my life. But this time I couldn't help it.

I couldn't think of anything to say to this beautiful man sitting next to me. Not one thing. Now I can think of 10 solid opening lines but then...nothing. I had two choices of stations where I could get off the train and I thought I'd see where he got off. (Fully realizing how pathetic this is but continuing with the plan anyway. Also, ignoring any obvious jokes with the "he got off" ending to that last sentence.) The first stop he sat there so I decided to get off at the 2nd one and at the last second he popped up and ran off the train. I turned to look at him through the window and he looked at me as the train drove away.

I felt like putting the palm of my hand up to the window to see if he would put his palm up - you know, like in the movies - but I decided not too. It just felt like that type of moment though where I thought, "Noooooooo! Come back!"

I was drunk.

Saturday I sat on the couch all day because the weather was HORRIBLE then went to a bar to watch UGA get their asses handed to them by Florida. Brutal. Sunday I went to a Dim Sum restaurant with the Halloween people and then to see the Bond movie with the guy who was in the beer costume.

He had shed himself of the costume by this point.

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