Friday, June 06, 2008


I want a bf.

That's all. Just needed to complain for a second...

(aaaaand.....moving on)

I had another great time with Brigitte and some of her girl friends last night (Why do I feel like I need to separate the words "girl" and "friend" when speaking about non-lesbian relationships and not separate it when I am speaking about lesbian relationships?). We ate at Wagyu which is my fav place. Why?

Hot people + good food = fav place

I'm done with my master cleanse, thank God, Allah, Mohammed, Angelina Jolie, etc. I missed food! Next time I want to detox I'm going to find another way to do it that lets you at least eat SOMEthing!

My move date keeps changing for London. Just when I think it's settled something else comes up. Now I have to go to the states to apply for my UK work visa. Which is actually GREAT because I'll get a free week in NY!!!! It's not 100% settled yet but will most likely happen. I hope everyone I want to see is in town. I miss NY so much it hurts. Well, it doesn't HURT but it certainly doesn't feel good.

This Sunday is the Dragon Boat races in HK. I'm so excited! I'm friends with the guys that won the whole thing last year (over 140 boats compete) so it should be a blast!

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