Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Love Laos

I had a great time in Luang Prabang.

I've never been somewhere where the monks live amongst the people as much as they do there. Made me feel really peaceful and safe.

The tuk-tuk drivers didn't bother me as much there as they do in other places. Although one time a guy took an orange road construction cone and from across the road and yelled "TUK-TUK LADY?!?!" Then I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled back, "NO THANK YOU!!!" He and his guy friends laughed like crazy that I played along.

I met a 28-year old Irish guy one night. I was eating alone as I always do on these trips and he knocked my chair from behind and asked me to join him. I hesitated as it would be much easier to continue reading my Vanity Fair article about how Willy Clinton loused (that's "louse" not "Laos") up Hilly Clinton's presidential campaign but then I thought, "Why take the easy route and be alone?" Even though I could barely understand the poor lad as his Irish accent was so thick it's a stretch to call it English (I guess it would be Engrish? Please forgive me) it was nice to talk with him.

He wanted me to drink beer with him and stay out late (even though there's NOTHING to do in that town) but I had to get up at 5am the next morning so I turned him down. Then he invited me for breakfast the next morning. Again, I hesitated but said yes. We met the next morning and had a nice chat over really bad omelettes and bacon.

Lesson learned = It's nice put forth the effort to have conversations with guys even though you have no interest in dating them because it's nice to just... get to know people. No agenda. I've become too trained to look for "that special someone" that I might have shut out other people because I didn't feel they have potential. It's good to have eggs with the Irish guy every once in awhile so I don't wallow in my "I'm all alone" bullshit.

Strolling along the Mekong River was a highlight.

Great things to shop for in Luang Prabang: Silver, silk textiles, cheap art

Beer Lao = good stuff

Mekong River


Cutie Patootie

Night Market

Thanks to Remi for all of the information. Otherwise I wouldn't have taken the trip!

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