Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween in HK = Bust

Following is my Blackberry camera's account of my Halloween in HK

Here's me wondering why I'm pushing myself to go out by myself, as I hadn't heard from my friend Jan about his party.

I started walking around and didn't see many people out at the bars. Of course, it was only 9:30pm but still...I thought there'd be more people. I got closer to Lan Qwai Fong and heard the ruckus. I walked down some stairs, peeked over the edge and AHA! THERE THEY ARE!

I decided to head down into the pack of wolves. That is...drunk investment bankers and Chinese people with cameras.

This kid was hysterical. Was walking around like a zombie and EVERYONE wanted their picture with him.

This was one other costume. You can't see it in this picture but people were surrounding him and taking pictures of him like he was Elvis and this was the first time anyone's seen him alive.

I kept walking and started hitting the end of the crowd so I turned around and started to head back. I was seriously disappointed in the ratio of drunk idiots to cool costumes. Must've been 250:1. Besides these two costumes I saw one group of western guys that were dressed up as a greek god, bloody murderer, etc. and they had funnels. So people were lining up to do the funnel and they were superstars.

But that was it. Besides me and about 1,000 girls wearing devil horns.

So I head back:

And am in bed by 11pm. RIGHT as I put my moisterizer on my friend Jan texted me. Wanted to know where I was in Lan Qwai Fong. I was like, "Ohhhh, it's a bar called 'My Bed'". Oh well, at least he tried. That would be the NORMAL time to text someone about going out on a Saturday night but instead. This is me. Moisterizer and all...

Sorry there weren't more interesting pictures but if you'll kindly note the subject of this blog entry you'll be reminded that I gave you fair warning. I'm glad I ventured out and walked a loop but in the end: Halloween in HK = Bust.

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