Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Weekend update 4/3

Dinner with Dave Friday night. Poor boy got up at 4:30am that morning and worked all day and then met me for dinner and we were up until about 1am. I don't know how he does it. His work isn't going to let up anytime soon and if anything is going to get busier which stinks because that means I won't get to see him that much. And when I do I'm getting the last ounce of juice he has in him for the day.

Doesn't make for great sex.

I'm very impatient by nature and am going to try and work on that part of my personality so I don't get too frustrated. He can't help it. He started his company about 3 years ago and has to work his ass off to get it going. PLUS, his dad is his partner so his parent's retirement is tied up in this company too. So he has just a LITTLE bit of pressure on him.

I'm lucky I get to see him at all and am flattered that he pushes himself to ensure we do have time together.

Saturday I slept late then worked out and then met up with my friend Amy for drinks which was fun. A guy came up to her and said, "I've been wanting to talk to you all night. But I'm leaving now." And left. What the fuck? Men....

Sunday I slept until 2:45pm! I guess I was tired from having Dave over Friday night and not sleeping well. I'm getting better at actually catching some zzz's when Dave spends the night but it takes some getting used to.

So I just read the Times and then watched "Planet Earth" and "The Apprentice" and went to bed.

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